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8º OBI - Workshop sobre Órgãos Artificiais, Biomateriais e Engenharia de Tecidos




Submit your work until: 15 September 24.








  • You are required to submit abstract via Google Foms directly.

  • Before the submission, please select your preferred type of presentation (Oral/Poster).

  • The accepted presentation and type will be notified after review process (until 22 September 2024).

  • Abstracts must be written in English and submitted electronically. Each author can present and submit only 2 abstracts. There is no limit for the number of abstracts in co-authorship.

  • Abstracts must contain only the text with the title, authors, affiliations, acknowledgments and references (maximum of 2), using the template provided below

  • All abstracts will be evaluated considering its technical-scientific characteristics, innovating aspects and the quality of the text. The abstracts will be either accepted for oral contribution, poster contribution or rejected. The preference of the author by the type of presentation (oral or poster) should be informed at the time of electronic submission of the abstract. However, the final decision will be made by the evaluation committee.

  • If the author is a student and wants to apply for the Student Award for best contributed work, an extended abstract must be submitted in addition to the conference abstract, and edited according to the instructions of the template. The extended abstract should include title, authors, affiliation and text containing: abstract, introduction, experimental procedure, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and references, figures and / or tables with captions. The extended abstract must be submitted by email, upon receipt of the acceptance of work. Check the instructions in the template file.

  • The award will be granted at the closing ceremony only to those students present in the room

  • Only those students who wish to apply for this award shall send the extended abstract

  • Deadline for sending extended abstract: until 22 September 2024.


Abstract template: abstract_OBI2024.docx

Extended template: extended abstract for student award: extended_abstract_OBI2024.docx

Oral contributions can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English with text in English.

Posters can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English (typical sizes of 90 x 120 cm).

The abstracts of the OBI 2024 containing all the contributions made during the event will be available only in digital form and can be obtained freely through download from the event page.

Presentation time:
Oral: 12+3 minutes
Invited Lecture: 25+5 minutes
Poster: 60 minutes

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